The Residents' Committee (RC) in public housing estate promote neighbourliness, racial harmony and community cohesiveness among the residents within the zone. Run by residents for residents, the RC also work closely with other grassroots organisations like the CCC and selected government agencies to improve the physical environment and safety of the local precint.
Blk289F Bukit Batok Street 25 #01-134
Singapore 655289
Tel : 65625692
Opening Hours :
Every Friday from 8.30pm to 10.00pm
(Closed on Eve of Holiday and Public Holiday)
The Community Emergency and Engagement Committee (C2E) is the new community Emergency Preparedness (EP) Unit formed in each constituency through the merger of the existing Emergency Preparedness Group (EPG) and Civil Defence Executive Committee (CDEC).
When will C2E be formed?
Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and PA Board Member, announced the formation of C2E at the Annual EP Networking and Sharing Session on 12 February 2009. Eighty-four C2Es will be formed by 31 December 2009.
Why C2E?
The C2E is formed to help strengthen community resilience by involving residents, grassroots leaders, educational institutions, businesses, civic/religious/voluntary welfare organisations and other community partners in EP/CEP programmes.
The C2E will be formed at the 84 constituencies so as to enhance the constituencies’ capability to respond effectively and recover quickly from any emergency.
What are the roles and functions of C2E?
During peacetime, the C2E will develop and maintain the grassroots EP plans, structures and systems. C2E will also organise exercises to ensure operational readiness, and EP activities to help the community be prepared for emergencies.
During times of emergency, C2E will respond to the situation by coordinating community resources and lead the grassroots emergency response efforts to assist affected residents. C2E, together with other grassroots organisations, will help the emergency authorities disseminate critical information and collect feedback.
They will also help to defuse communal tensions and restore public confidence and normalcy.The C2E will also partner emergency authorities such as the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), Singapore Police Force (SPF) and relevant ministries to educate the community in EP/CEP.
Bukit Batok East C2E was formed on 1 April 2009 .
Do You Know What is C2E ??
Written on: Friday, April 10, 2009 Time: 11:12 PM
What is C2E?
The Community Emergency and Engagement Committee (C2E) is the new community Emergency Preparedness (EP) Unit formed in each constituency through the merger of the existing Emergency Preparedness Group (EPG) and Civil Defence Executive Committee (CDEC).
When will C2E be formed?
Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and PA Board Member, announced the formation of C2E at the Annual EP Networking and Sharing Session on 12 February 2009. Eighty-four C2Es will be formed by 31 December 2009.
Why C2E?
The C2E is formed to help strengthen community resilience by involving residents, grassroots leaders, educational institutions, businesses, civic/religious/voluntary welfare organisations and other community partners in EP/CEP programmes.
The C2E will be formed at the 84 constituencies so as to enhance the constituencies’ capability to respond effectively and recover quickly from any emergency.
What are the roles and functions of C2E?
During peacetime, the C2E will develop and maintain the grassroots EP plans, structures and systems. C2E will also organise exercises to ensure operational readiness, and EP activities to help the community be prepared for emergencies.
During times of emergency, C2E will respond to the situation by coordinating community resources and lead the grassroots emergency response efforts to assist affected residents. C2E, together with other grassroots organisations, will help the emergency authorities disseminate critical information and collect feedback.
They will also help to defuse communal tensions and restore public confidence and normalcy.The C2E will also partner emergency authorities such as the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), Singapore Police Force (SPF) and relevant ministries to educate the community in EP/CEP.
Bukit Batok East C2E was formed on 1 April 2009 .
Bukit Batok East
Nature View Resident's Committee -
Term of Office : 6th Term (01st March 2012 to 28th February 2014)
Chairman : Ronnie Tan , PBM
Vice-Chairman: Rahmat Bin A Hamid
Secretary: Jasmine Tay
Asst. Secretary: Li Jiongshen
Treasurer: Tay Swee Kwang
Asst. Treasurer: John Eng
Auditor: Han Jee Kwang
Auditor: Sivalingam Nantha Kumar
Executive Member: Abdul Kadir Senih
Executive Member: Gwendy Auw Yong
Executive Member: Janice Goh
Executive Member: Heng Mui Mui
Executive Member: Jesudoss Arokiaraj
Executive Member: William Kock
Executive Member: Lee Fook Lum
Executive Member: Lim Cheng Hua
Executive Member: Lim Chuan Seng
Executive Member: Cynthia Lim
Executive Member: Annie Lim
Executive Member: Mussinah Hussain
Executive Member: Benny Ng
Executive Member: Patrick Oh
Executive Member: Tan Leh Hua
Executive Member: Tan Siew Bee
Executive Member: Tan Sway Muay
Executive Member: Emlyn Tan
Executive Member: Zhu Yongqing
Associate Member: Richard Chia
Associate Member: Ramalingam Mannivavvan
Associate Member: Nancy Tan